niveles de dependencia

Dependency levels and its characteristics

When dealing with dependent people, you have to keep in mind that there are different dependence levels and each one has its differentiated characteristics. In this post we are going to talk about all this, keep reading if you are interested and want to know more.

Dependency levels: Mild

The level of Mild dependence, also known as minimum or level 1 dependence, refers to a situation in which a person requires a certain degree of assistance or support in some activities of daily life, but You can perform most activities autonomously. Although it may have some limitations in its autonomy and functional capacity, the dependent person with mild dependency level is capable of carrying out basic activities such as personal care, mobility, food, medication administration and emotional and social management with Little or no support.

People with Mild dependence level They may need occasional or periodic help in some specific tasks or in certain situations, but in general they are able to carry out most daily activities by themselves. Depending on the individual situation and needs, the assistance or support in mild agency It can be provided by a family caregiver, a personal assistant or a professional caregiver, and may include activities such as helping mobility, remembering medications, providing emotional support, providing help with home tasks, among others.

He care of people with mild dependence level He generally focuses on maintaining his autonomy and quality of life, as well as preventing the appearance of greater dependence. Support strategies, adaptations in the environment or the promotion of participation in social and community activities to Improve the well -being and autonomy of the dependent person. It is important to keep in mind that the needs and capabilities of people with a level of mild dependence can vary widely, so an individualized evaluation and a person -centered care approach are essential.

dependence levels

Dependency levels: moderate

Have a Moderate dependence level It means that a person needs a certain level of assistance and support in their daily life activities due to a health or disability condition, but still You can do some activities independently. A moderate dependence can vary at level and scope, and may imply different areas of daily life, such as mobility, personal care, medication administration, decision -making, emotional and social management, among others.

People with a Moderate dependence level They can have some limitations in their ability to carry out certain activities without help, but they can still participate in some activities autonomously. For example, a person with a moderate physical disability may need assistance to move or perform some tasks, but you can still participate in social activities or carry out personal care activities with some help. Or an older person with moderate dependence may need help in the administration of medicines and mobility, but can still participate in decision making and maintain social relationships.

It is important to keep in mind that dependence levels From a person can change over time and can vary from one situation to another. The moderate dependence requires an individualized and comprehensive approach that takes into account the specific needs and abilities of the person, and may imply the coordination of care and collaboration with health professionals or other caregivers to ensure the well -being and quality of life of The dependent person.

Dependency levels: severe

Have a Severe dependence level It means that a person requires significant assistance and support in their daily life activities due to a health or disability condition, and has important limitations in their ability to perform activities independently. Severe dependence can affect various areas of daily life, such as mobility, personal care, medication administration, decision -making, emotional and social management, among others.

People with a Severe dependence level they can have significant difficulties to carry out basic activities of daily life without help, and may require constant assistance and supervision to carry out essential activities such as bathroom, food, dress, mobility and communication. They may also need support in health management, decision -making and participation in social activities.

The severe dependence It can result from various health or disabilities conditions, such as advanced neuromuscular diseases, serious traumatic brain lesions, chronic diseases in an advanced stage, advanced dementia, cognitive or mental disabilities serious, among others. He care of people with severe dependence It may require a comprehensive and specialized approach, which involves health professionals, trained caregivers and the implementation of a specific care plan to ensure the well -being and quality of life of the dependent person.